Corrections Care Story

Corrections Care was built specifically for the unique and complex requirements for correctional healthcare delivery:

  • Access to Care

  • Provider and Nurse Resource Management

  • Real-Time Reporting

  • Telehealth Delivery Platform

  • Contract and Regulatory Compliance

  • Offsite Care and Claims Management

Corrections Care enables healthcare delivery systems the features and insights to effectively manage care for patients in a correctional environment. With easy to use workflows for Scheduling, Telehealth, Bed Management, Utilization Management, and Provider / Nurse Resource management, healthcare systems can optimize their resources, facilitate better care, and meet contractual and regulatory requirements.

Corrections Care is a Modul application ( This framework was developed in the Texas Tech University System, and now powers enterprise solutions in healthcare, and beyond.

What People Are Saying

The real-time insights to our clinical operations allows us to instantly focus on areas of need. We can quickly reallocate provider resources where demand is high, instantly through the Telehealth All platform.

— Client Health Services Administrator

Corrections Care’s automation and prioritization ensures that the patients who have greatest access-to-care needs are scheduled . I no longer have to manually ensure Sick-Calls and Chronic Care patients are scheduled timely.

— Centralized Scheduling Manager

The telehealth platform in Corrections Care is awesome and provider friendly. I start my virtual clinic, and the system manages patients in the virtual lobby. I see patients from all over the state, the same as if they were in the same facility.

— Telehealth Medical Provider

Before Corrections Care, offsite specialty care management was cumbersome and manual. Now, referrals are easily managed, and consults, procedures, and follow-ups are all connected in the system. I can now ensure appropriate care is coordinated for patients timely and effectively.

— Utilization Management Director


To learn more about Corrections Care, and see how correctional healthcare delivery can be optimized in your setting, click the Contact Us below button to be put in contact with us.